Thursday, November 21, 2013

How to Find a Movie Producer to Read a Script -


Writing a movie script can seem easy compared to getting the script read. Unlike book publishing, a writer can't simply submit a script to a movie producer without first being introduced and then invited to submit. Finding a producer to read your script can be difficult. It takes a significant amount of networking to get the contacts needed in the movie industry to gain a foothold in the business. Once you find a producer, you will most likely need to submit a log line and a treatment of your movie before he agrees to read your script. Learn how you can find a movie producer and entice him into reading your screenplay.

Step 1

Write a strong log line and a three to five page treatment. A log line is a single sentence, or two at the most, that sums up your story. A treatment is written in present tense prose and summarizes all the major plot points in your screenplay. In most cases, a producer will want to read these before they will consider looking at your actual script.

Step 2

Keep track of the production companies, producers and directors who make the types of movies your script resembles. These are the companies and people you want to target. Any time you watch a movie similar to your script or that falls into the same genre as your script, watch the credits and write down names. You can later use an online movie industry database to locate contact information (See Resources 1 & 2).

Step 3

Consider subscribing to an online pitch service like Virtual Pitchfest (See References 1). These services offer valuable producer and agent contact information and allow you to pitch your screenplay to professionals in the movie industry who have the power to purchase your screenplay. Virtual Pitchfest guarantees a response, which is something you don't usually get when you submit your script to film producers for consideration.

Step 4

Register your script with the WGA. The current fees are around $25.00 (See Resources 3). Many producers or agents won't even read a script unless it's registered. This saves them from being accused of stealing an idea.

Step 5

Consider getting an agent. A lot of producers won't look at scripts written by writers without agents. Keep in mind that getting an agent can be as hard as having your script read by a producer. You'll need to follow the same steps to get an agent to read your work as you do for movie producers. This is why many producers prefer to read scripts submitted by writers who are represented by agents. They feel they have a better chance of getting quality material.

Step 6

Consider attending film festivals if you have the time and money (See Resources 4). Producers and agents attend film festivals looking for the next big movie. This is an opportunity to mingle with movie industry people and maybe have a chance to pitch your script. Networking is a good way to establish word of mouth interest in your work and film festivals provide fertile networking ground.
By Carl Hose

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